CuffLinks.2 - Laura Friedman

Laura Freidman

After working with many different materials over the years—fabrics, yarn, dyes, paints, papers, wood, and food, Laura was introduced to metals through a beginner Continuing Studies metal smith class at MECA. Once the eight-week basic course was completed, she needed a bit more experience with the torch, so she enrolled in a less formal class through Artascope in South Portland. Once she felt confident with the workings of a torch, she purchased a Smith Little Torch and set up a small shop. Since then, she has been learning through play, practice, reading and watching videos and YouTubes. Laura is attracted to the energy in metal—an aliveness and dimension—that she has not found with other materials. Metal has the ability to change temperature and move from solid to molten within seconds. It can twirl and bend, stretch, ooze and reflect. Laura has found beauty in her scraps, manipulating small bits so the creations evolve almost magically. She often does not know the specifics of the end product when she starts on a project. This organic evolution of a piece fascinates her. Laura is very drawn to the work of both Alexander Calder and Georgia O’Keeffe.

Laura’s Art for Sale